Paste (Ctrl + V) your article below then click Check for Plagiarism!
Plagiarized content can get you in trouble on platforms like Google Adsense, Quora, Reddit, etc.
That’s why you need to always check your content for plagiarism, and the Plagiarism Checker tool helps you do this easily.
Our Plagiarism Checker tool is a free online tool that scans for matches between your text and existing texts on the web using advanced database software to deliver accurate plagiarism checks.
Because it’s an online tool you don’t need to download anything.
You can check a maximum of 1000 words per search.
How to use the plagiarism checker?
To use the Plagiarism Checker to check plagiarism in your content:
Select a file: (.docx/.txt), Paste your URL here, Paste (Ctrl + V) your article in the box
Click Check for Plagiarism